Everyday Science

Everyday Science

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A solid piece of iron sinks in water but floats in mercury. This is because the

2 / 10

The toxin is a poisonous substance produced by

3 / 10

Excessive secretion from the pituitary gland in children results in

4 / 10

The three abundant elements in the earth’s crust are oxygen, aluminum, and silicon. The correct order of their abundance is

5 / 10

The same side of the Moon always faces the earth because

6 / 10

A drop of water or mercury on a clean glass plate is circular in shape. Why?

7 / 10

A saturated solution of a solute at a particular temperature is one which contains

8 / 10

It takes longer to cook potatoes on the hills than in plains because

9 / 10

Why do diamonds shine at night?

10 / 10

Why does the sky look blue?

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