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Etiology I

1 / 10

Chronic inflammation leading to tissue damage and subsequent carcinogenesis exemplifies which type of etiological relationship?

2 / 10

Which term describes the study of the chain of events leading to the development of a disease from its earliest cellular changes to its clinical manifestations?

3 / 10

Which of the following diseases has a multifactorial etiology, involving both genetic predisposition and environmental triggers?

4 / 10

Which of the following etiological factors can be modified to prevent the onset of certain diseases?

5 / 10

Which term refers to an underlying condition that makes an individual more susceptible to developing a disease?

6 / 10

Which of the following is an example of a psychological etiological factor?

7 / 10

Chronic alcohol consumption leading to liver cirrhosis is an example of a __________ etiological factor.

8 / 10

Which of the following etiological factors is associated with the development of autoimmune diseases?

9 / 10

Which of the following is an example of a genetic etiological factor?

10 / 10

Infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites are examples of __________ etiological factors.

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Etiology II

1 / 10

A child develops a peanut allergy after being exposed to peanuts for the first time. What factor MOST LIKELY contributes to the development of this allergy?

2 / 10

A young woman with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer develops the disease at a relatively young age. What is the MOST LIKELY role of genetics in this case?

3 / 10

A group of people attending a large outdoor concert become ill with similar symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps within hours of eating at a food stall. What is the MOST LIKELY etiology of this outbreak?

4 / 10

A woman with a family history of autoimmune diseases develops fatigue, joint pain, and a butterfly rash across her face. What is the MOST LIKELY underlying etiology?

5 / 10

Which type of etiological factor is characterized by its role in initiating a disease process but not necessarily maintaining it?

6 / 10

Which term refers to the phenomenon where the presence of one condition predisposes an individual to another unrelated condition?

7 / 10

Which of the following etiological factors is implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease?

8 / 10

Which etiological factor is commonly associated with the development of peptic ulcers?

9 / 10

Which of the following statements about genetic etiology is true?

10 / 10

Which of the following is an example of a developmental etiological factor contributing to congenital anomalies?

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